HR Projects & Business Reorganisations

HR Projects & Business Reorganisations

At the heart of most HR projects lies a problem to be resolved or an efficiency to be made to support your business objectives. And more often than not a question or a process governed by employment law underpins it.

Whether your business needs to plan a reorganisation or consider redundancies, if you have a TUPE transfer looming or have a burgeoning absence problem that you need to get a grip on, Heminsley Law can help.

We’ve been providing commercial business support to help companies and the Human Resources community to navigate the potholes around their HR and people projects for almost 20 years.

Our Approach and Experience

We consider where your company needs to get to and then design the HR project or reorganisation and its implementation in a way which will get you there with the least fuss.

Projects we have undertaken in the past vary from an absence management project in which we helped the company to realise over a million pounds in savings, to a project in which a manufacturing client needed, for good business reasons, to terminate the employment of 160 employees (all of whom happened to be disabled).

On the re-organisation side, we have helped clients to design the outsourcing of business critical functions, while ensuring their business was able to function during the transition, have helped companies to remove an entire layer of management without disruption to their business and have supported a national store closure scheme for a major retailer.

If You Need...

If you need innovative and experienced legal advisers to support your HR project to help design your reorganisation, improve a business process or to help navigate a blocker to your business success, give Heminsley a call.

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