

We can provide face to face practical training for your workforce in all of the areas in which we practice.

‍We understand that dealing with the outcome of one issue may suggest a training need in your workforce.

Practical Information

We pride ourselves in helping our clients to understand what they need to do in practice rather than a talk and chalk approach to the law (unless of course black letter law is what they want!).

Like our advice, our training is designed to impart nuggets of practical information and to impart simple methodologies which your team can then practise in a safe environment before taking them back to the workplace.

Law School In A Day...

And while we recently provided a ‘law school in a day’ for one manufacturing client, that was designed to meet the specific needs of a team who were undertaking fundamentally legal functions.

Most of our training utilises exercises, games, role plays or provides skills training to ensure your team can effectively manage the people risks inherent in your business.

Whether you need to:

  • Upskill your management cadre in discipline and grievance

  • Give them the tools to manage absence more effectively

  • Help them to understand both their equal opportunities obligations and the opportunities to improve business performance by embracing diversity

  • Train your internal investigators to do their jobs more effectively

  • Reduce the risk to your directors by implementing effective bribery or dawn raid training

Heminsley can help.

Contact us